
Masta 100

Masta 100

Masteron Propionate, derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with a short ester, is esteemed for its anti-estrogenic properties, averting estrogen conversion. This makes it a prime pick for athletes and bodybuilders sculpting defined, robust muscles while shedding fat and excess water, yielding a chiseled, vascular appearance. Primarily used in cutting phases or contest prep, its short ester necessitates frequent injections, providing precise control over physique refinement sans estrogenic side effects. Masteron Propionate's swift efficacy and capacity to heighten muscle definition and strength render it a favored option for those pursuing a lean, sculpted physique.

Generic Name:

Drostanolone Propionate 100mg/ml

Compound Information:

Molecular Weight: 360.53 g/mol
Formula: C23H36O3
Anabolic Rating: 62-130
Androgenic Rating: 25-40

Dosage (Male)

200-500mg per week

Dosage (Female)

50-100mg per week

Dosage Frequency

Every other day (for 6-16 weeks)

Dosage Type

Intramuscular injection

Active Half-Life

Approximately 2-3 days

Chemical Name

Drostanonolone 17-propionate

Post-Cycle Therapy

ClomidNolvadex, or HCG, 3-5 days after last injection