


Danabol, also known as D-Bol, is a renowned powerhouse in bodybuilding circles, celebrated for its rapid muscle mass gains and strength amplification. With its prowess in protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, Dianabol swiftly transforms physiques, delivering noticeable muscle growth and enhanced performance. As a trusted favorite among bodybuilders, it's the go-to choice for substantial size and power gains in a short period. While it aromatizes to estrogen, resulting in some water retention, its impact on muscle growth remains unmatched, with less water retention compared to Anadrol.

Generic Name:

Metandienone 15mg

Compound Information:

Molecular Weight: 300.44 g/mol
Formula: C20H28O2
Anabolic Rating: 90-210
Androgenic Rating: 40-60

Dosage (Male)

20-100mg per day

Dosage (Female)

5-10mg per day

Dosage Frequency

Daily (for 4-12 weeks)

Dosage Type

Oral Tablet

Active Half-Life

Approximately 3-4 hours

Chemical Name


Post-Cycle Therapy

ClomidNolvadex, or HCG, 1-3 days after last dose. If stacking with longer esters then follow those protocols.